Thursday, May 3, 2007

Web 2.0 tools

Hi all!

This week blog is about our perception of the usefulness of the Web 2.0 tools in the classroom.
I have to say that these tools are great to use, since are useful to engage student into learning. Based on Mark Prensky article, today's' students are craving for interactivity, so he you have it! These tools provide that spark that our students need to become more enthusiastic in learning or even going to school. Our goal as teachers is to teach and make sure that our pupils understand or at least get the message that we our imparting to them. I understand the challenge that today's teacher have to do so, but is not impossible. The tools our out there, we just have to know where to get them from and most importantly, how to made good use of them.

Know that we know that there are so many types of learners, there are Web 2.0 tools that helps use reach probably each one of those students. For instance, Gliffy, provides the concept maps tool, where we can use it to reach our visual learners. Wikispaces provide use the tool of creating our own web space and put up every single topic possible, and helping our students to have that technology interactivity that they so much crave for. These are just some examples of these tools.

These tools are useful for the classroom, but they are also helpful for the home. Home schooling or tutoring are some of the reasons of also making good use of this sites. These are useful not only for teachers, but parents as well.

So let's not be shy and lets work to obtain the best outcome possible out of our students. They are the future!
Until next week...




Charles Schaick said...

Hi Wida,

I enjoyed reading your post. Students do crave interactivity today. We as teachers must help satisfy this craving by incorporating these tools into the classroom. They do spark children's interests in education, as you so insightfully stated. Home use and tutoring are also outlets where these tools can be used. I agree with you that parents may also find them useful.
What bothers me is that these tools change very rapidly. It seems like once you learn how to use something, it changes and is obsolete. If these tools are to be effective there has to be some long-term consistency in their use. A lot of people are making money with this stuff at our expense. We have to see through the economic drive for these "California People" and all this new technology and we must use it cautiously.

Meghan said...

Wida, I love the way you tied in the use of these tools with Marc Prensky's article. Kids today really do need the interactivity of the Web. I think we need to be careful how we use these tools, though, and also that we don't overuse them!